Elections to Governing Bodies and Committees

Committee Elections 2024

This year, the committee elections will take place from 10 to 14 June 2024. In the summer semester of 2024, the student representatives in the Academic Senate and in Faculty Councils 1 to 12 will be newly elected for the coming term of office. The term of office for students is one year. The representatives of the other status groups will remain in office until the summer semester 2025.

Detailed information on the committee elections can be found in the election notice (only available in German). Here you can find the election regulations of the University of Bremen (only available in German).

The election results are now available.


Polling card: student ID

To cast the vote, eligible voters need a voter ID card: Students can only vote with their student ID card. Other study documents (semester ticket, etc.) cannot be used to vote. Students with a second ID (duplicate) can only vote in the "Glashalle" polling station.


The candidates

Please refer to the election proposals to find out which lists and individual candidates you can vote for.


Further information - institutions, general procedure, etc.

For a better understanding of the elections at the University of Bremen, please consult this information sheet.