MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes


Das Ziel des MAPEX ist die systemorientierte Erforschung und Entwicklung von Materialien und Prozessen f¨¹r Anwendungen im Bereich der nachhaltigen Mobilit?t und Energie. Mit unserer Forschung in allen Disziplinen der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie der Mathematik streben wir ein vertieftes Verst?ndnis der Beziehungen zwischen Prozessen, Eigenschaften und Leistung von Materialien an.

Das MAPEX bringt die Expertise von °ÄÃŻʹÚ_»Ê¹Ú×ãÇò±È·Ö-¾¢±¬ÌåÓý als 1000 wissenschaftlichen und technischen Mitarbeitenden zusammen, von denen 480 an ihrer Promotion arbeiten. Die 61 Principal Investigators, 7 Associate Investigators, 26 Early Career Investigators stammen aus f¨¹nf verschiedenen Fachbereichen der Universit?t Bremen und sechs au?eruniversit?ren Forschungsinstituten auf dem Campus der Universit?t.

Das MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes wurde 2014 als Research Governance des Wissenschaftsschwerpunktes Materialwissenschaften und ihre Technologien gegr¨¹ndet, mit dem Ziel:

  • ein Kompetenznetzwerk im Bereich der Materialwissenschaften, Werkstofftechnik und Werkstoffverarbeitung aufzubauen
  • die Sichtbarkeit der MAPEX Forschungslandkarte zu erh?hen
  • Drittmittelprojekte zu beantragen und durchzuf¨¹hren
  • die kooperativen wissenschaftlichen Aktivit?ten von Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen zu unterst¨¹tzen
  • die interdisziplin?re Doktorand*innenausbildung zu unterst¨¹tzen
  • der gemeinsamen Beschaffung und Verwendung von wissenschaftlicher Ausstattung
  • unseren Wissenschaftler*innen ein von Chancengleichheit, Diversit?t und Familienfreundlichkeit gepr?gtes Umfeld nach h?chsten internationalen Standards zu bieten
03.06. Jun
Konferenz zu Halbleitern: ISPSD2024 ¨C The 36th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs
Bremer Konzerthaus ?Die Glocke"
Zeit : ganzt?gig
12.14. Jun
Additive 2024 Symposium
00:0023:59 Uhr
13. Jun
Workshop: Filming Your Science with Your Smartphone
ZARM, room 1730
09:0017:00 Uhr
23.24. Sep
Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2024
House of Science
00:0023:59 Uhr
25.27. Sep
MAPEX-CF Workshop Electron Microscopy
Hochschulring 40, 28359 Bremen 1st floor.
09:0016:00 Uhr
22. Okt
Workshop: Effective Teaching in Higher Education
aib - 1020/30 (Hochschulring 40)
09:0016:00 Uhr
Die Cyanobakterien in den H?nden des Doktoranden Tiago Ramalho stehen im Mittelpunkt der Forschung an der Universit?t Bremen zu Lebenserhaltungssystemen f¨¹r ein (?ber)leben auf dem Mars.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Auf Mars-Mission: Von Cyanobakterien zu Biokunststoff

Die Wissenschaftler Dr. Cyprien Verseux und Professor Sven Kerzenmacher von der Universit?t Bremen arbeiten an L?sungen zur Selbstversorgung auf dem Mars ¨C und wie diese ein nachhaltiges Leben auf der Erde inspirieren k?nnten.

Zuk¨¹nftige Science Slammer*innen sitzen um einen Tisch.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Wissenschaft mit Witz: Promovierende verwandeln sich in Science Slammer*innen

Beim Science Slam Workshop wurden wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse mit Requisiten, Visualisierungen und Performance-Einlagen unterhaltsam und korrekt f¨¹r ein breites Publikum erkl?rt.

Myzelbasierter Kompositwerkstoff mit den Ma?en 25 Zentimeter mal 9 Zentimeter mal 5,5 Zentimeter. Er besteht aus Stroh, Spelzen und St?rke.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Mithilfe von Pilzgeflechten Verpackungsm¨¹ll vermeiden

Myzel nennt sich das feine Fadengeflecht von Pilzen. Es eignet sich als Verpackungsmaterial. Ein neues Forschungsprojekt unter Leitung des BIBA an der Universit?t Bremen besch?ftigt sich mit dem biologisch abbaubaren Werkstoff sowie Herstellung, Nutzung und Recycling von Verpackungen.

Pia G?tz beim Vortrag im Haus der Wissenschaft.
MAPEX Core| MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

?Wissen um 11¡° ¨C Wie alte Museumsobjekte mit Computertomographie zu neuem Leben erweckt werden

Am 9. M?rz 2024 hat Pia G?tz bei der Bremer Wissenschaftsmatinee im Haus der Wissenschaft ihre Forschung aus dem Projekt ?Digital Materialities. Virtual and Analogue Forms of Exhibition¡° vorgestellt.

Grafic of Astronauts on Mars next to solar panels
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Bremer Materialwissenschaften nehmen erste H¨¹rde auf dem Weg zur Exzellenzf?rderung

"Mit der Marsperspektive werden wir die Produktion von Materialien unter der Pr?misse von Ressourcenknappheit neu denken." 'The Martian Mindset: A Scarcity-Driven Engineering Paradigm' kann ersten Erfolg verzeichnen.

Wissenschaftlicher Leiter Stefan Bosse der Universit?t Bremen und Doktorand Christoph Polle vom Faserinstitut Bremen stehen im Labor
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Das f¨¹hlende Material. KI hilft Materialsch?den zu erkennen

Die Universit?t Bremen erzielt erste Ergebnisse im DFG-Forschungsprojekt FOR 3022. Dank innovativer Sensorknoten, kleiner als eine M¨¹nze, k?nnen verborgene Sch?den in Faser-Metall-Laminaten erkannt und bewertet werden.

MAPEX F?rderungsm?glichkeiten| MAPEX News|

Aktuelle Ausschreibungen von MAPEX und dem MAPEX Ger?tezentrum

Die Fristen f¨¹r die Einreichung von MAPEX PhD Research Grants 2024 sind online. 18.2.2024 | 15.5.2024 | 18.8.2024 | 10.11.2024

Nicole Mensching nimmt den Promotionspreis entgegen.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Leibniz-Promotionspreis f¨¹r Nicole Mensching

Die wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin des Bremer Leibniz Instituts f¨¹r Werkstofforientierte Technologien wird mit dem diesj?hrigen Promotionspreis der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft in der Kategorie Natur- und Technikwissenschaften ausgezeichnet.

Scan eines Kogge-Nagels.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Magnetresonanz zur Erforschung des materiellen Kulturerbes

Am 7. und 8. Dezember 2023 findet in Bremerhaven die Tagung ?MRI for Cultural Heritage Objects" statt. Ausgehend von der interdisziplin?ren Zusamenarbeit in der U Bremen Research Alliance widmen sich internationale Expert:innen den epistemischen M?glichkeiten von MR-Methoden.

Sch¨¹ler:innen bei einem Vortrag.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

MINT-Camp f¨¹r Sch¨¹ler:innen

Sch¨¹ler:innen des Delmenhorster Max-Planck-Gymnasiums konnten an der Universit?t Bremen Wissenschaft in Theorie und Praxis ausprobieren.

Das Logo von Science goes Public
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Science goes Public ¨C Gr¨¹ne Mikroben f¨¹r den roten Planeten

Dr. Cyprien Verseux vom ZARM (Zentrum f¨¹r Angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie und Mikrogravitation) ¨¹ber seine Arbeit f¨¹r Humans on Mars.

Schwarz-wei?es Bild vom Digitalisat eines Chronometers.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Ausstellung am Deutschen Schifffahrtsmuseum ¨C Digitale Einblicke in die maritime Geschichte

Das Deutsche Schifffahrtsmuseum zeigt in der Ausstellung ?SEH-ST?CKE ¨C Maritimes digital entdeckt" Abbilder, die mit Hilfe des MAPEX' angefertigt wurden.

Amrita Suresh
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Science goes Public - Intelligente Besiedlung mit Robotern

Amrita Suresh und Manuel Meder sprachen ¨¹ber die Herausforderungen in der Weltraumrobotik und ihre Arbeit am Deutschen Forschungszentrum f¨¹r K¨¹nstliche Intelligenz (DFKI).

Die Wissenschaftlerin Christiane Heinicke
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

?berleben auf dem Mars

Aggressive Weltraumstrahlung, eine toxische Atmosph?re, Temperaturen von durchschnittlich minus 65 Grad Celsius. Die Wissenschaftlerinnen Christiane Heinicke und Katharina Koschek erkl?ren im Wissenschafts-Magazin ?Impact", woran sie forschen.

Professorin Ella Schmidt aus dem Fachbereich 5 - Geowissenschaften und Professor Thorsten Gesing aus dem Fachbereich 2 ¨C Biologie/Chemie
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Atome und Defekte: Zu Besuch in der Kristallografie

Geowissenschaftlerin Ella Schmidt und Chemiker Thorsten Gesing ?ffnen ihre Labort¨¹ren. Mit neuen Methodiken untersuchen sie atomare Strukturen von Kristallen. Mehr im up2date Artikel von Maria Bossauer.

Professor Andreas Fischer
MAPEX Presse|

Durch medizinische Messtechnik die Heilungsschancen verbessern

F¨¹r sein neuestes Vorhaben erh?lt Professor Andreas Fischer vom Fachbereich Produktionstechnik der Universit?t Bremen eine F?rderung im Rahmen der Momentum-Initiative der Volkswagenstiftung. Diese stellt knapp 800.000 Euro ¨¹ber einen Zeitraum von vier Jahren zur Verf¨¹gung.

two researchers holding probes
MAPEX Presse|

Bremer Ingenieurpreis geht an Master-Studenten der Universit?t

Pressemitteilung der Universit?t Bremen / 21.11.2022, Kai Uwe Bohm. ?Stofftransport von Produktgemischen der Fischer-Tropsch-Synthese Analyse mittels Nuclear Magnetic Resonance¡°: Mit dieser Masterarbeit hat Produktionstechnik-Student Alexander Zimmermann das Verfahren jetzt erheblich verbessert.

brain with connections
MAPEX Presse|

Mehr als 500.000 € f¨¹r KI-Forschung mit Quantensystemen

Pressemitteilung der Universit?t Bremen / 28.09.2022, Kai Uwe Bohm. Maschinelles Lernen und Methoden k¨¹nstlicher Intelligenz (KI) werden heute in vielen Lebensbereichen eingesetzt.

Das Projekt ?#MOIN! ¨C Modellregion Industriemathematik¡° entwickelt neuartige Transferinstrumente im BMBF-F?rderprogramm T!Raum ¨C TransferR?ume f¨¹r die Zukunft von Regionen¡°.
MAPEX Presse|

Modellregion Industriemathematik entsteht in Bremen und umzu

Wieviel (Industrie-)Mathematik steckt in unserem Alltag? Was wissen wir dar¨¹ber und wie kann Gesellschaft und Industrie von dem Wissen besser profitieren? Darum geht es in dem Innovations- und Transferprojekt ?#MOIN! ¨C MOdellregion INdustriemathematik¡°. Das BMBF f?rdert es mit ca. 6 Millionen Euro.

Gerendertes historisches Ger?t aus der Schifffahrt
MAPEX Presse|

Hackathon: Maritime Navigationsinstrumente zum Leben erwecken

Pressemitteilung der Universit?t Bremen / 19.09.2022, Kai Uwe Bohm. ?Seaman¡¯s Gear¡°: Historischen maritimen Navigationsinstrumenten ein neues virtuelles Leben einzuhauchen, ist Ziel eines zweit?gigen Hackathons am 8. & 9. Oktober 2022.

Humans on Mars
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Kick Off Event: Humans on Mars

Around 60 researchers participated in the kick-off event of the ¡®Humans on Mars¡¯-Initiative at the Haus der Wissenschaft in Bremen on July 8th, 2022. Coming from eight different faculties of the University of Bremen and four research institutes, they all work together to address the question of what…

Mars Landschaft
MAPEX Presse|

Humans on Mars: Pathways Toward Sustainable Settlement

Pressemitteilung der Universit?t Bremen / 05.07.22 Kai Uwe Bohn. Ist eine nachhaltige Erkundung des Mars durch den Menschen m?glich? Wie wirkt sich der Mensch auf die neue Umgebung aus? 60 Forschende der Universit?t Bremen und anderer Institute gehen diesen Fragen nach.

MAPEX Presse|

Bei unseren Early Career Researcher Workshops lernen junge Wissenschaftler:innen von der Uni Bremen Wissenschaftler:innen ?von nebenan¡® kennen und vernetzen sich untereinander.

Br¨¹cken zwischen Fakult?ten und Instituten bauen  ¨C das ist eines der Hauptziele des MAPEX. Mit dem ECR-Workshop ermutigen wir Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen ihre Laufbahn durch transdisziplin?ren Austausch zu bereichern. Bei unserem ausgebuchtem 13. Early Career Researcher Workshop hatten wir…

Armin Dekorsy bei seinem Vortrag.
MAPEX Presse|

SCIENCE GOES PUBLIC! 6G f¨¹r die Erde und den Weltraum

Unterhaltsame Wissenschaft in kurzweiligen 30 Minuten bot Armin Dekorsy in der gut besuchten Bremer Kneipe ?Gastfeld¡°

Professor Andreas Fischer
MAPEX Presse|

ERC Grant f¨¹r MAPEX Mitglied Andreas Fischer

Pressemitteilung der Universit?t Bremen/ 23.03.22 Kai Uwe Bohn. Ingenieurwissenschaftler Andreas Fischer bekommt rund 2 Millionen Euro f¨¹r die Grundlagenforschung.

Giorgia Zampardi
MAPEX Presse|

Auf dem Weg zur n?chsten Energiespeicher-Generation

Pressemitteilung der Universit?t Bremen / Hochschulkommunikation und -marketing / Kai Uwe Bohn / 07.03.2022: W?ssrige Zink-Ionen Batterien ohne jegliche Explosions- oder Brandgefahr ¨C das soll die n?chste Generation von Energiespeichern werden.

Bremer Studienpreises 2021
MAPEX Presse|

Gratulation: Drei Bremer Studienpreise f¨¹r Abschlussarbeiten in MAPEX Gruppen

Akku-Entwicklung, Krebstherapie und Nanomaterialien ¨C das sind m?gliche Anwendungsfelder von drei Abschlussarbeiten, die mit dem Bremer Studienpreis 2021 ausgezeichnet werden. Das MAPEX gratuliert, denn: die Masterarbeit und die beiden Dissertationen wurden von MAPEX-Mitgliedern betreut.

MAPEX Presse|

Universit?t Bremen an Mars-Simulation beteiligt

Pressemitteilung der Universit?t Bremen/ 03.11.21 Kai Uwe Bohn. AMADEE-20: So hei?t die simulierte Marsmission des ?sterreichischen Weltraumforums, die jetzt in der israelischen Negev-W¨¹ste durchgef¨¹hrt wurde. Mehr als 25 Experimente liefen dort.

MAPEX Presse|

Maritime Materialien museal erfahrbar machen - Kooperationsprojekt mit dem Deutschen Schifffahrts Museum

?Digital Materialities. Virtual and Analogue Forms of Exhibition¡° (DigiMat) sucht nach neuen Ausstellungs- und Vermittlungsformaten f¨¹r digitale Exponate.

Wissenschaftler schraubt an einem Ger?t
MAPEX Presse|

Gekommen um zu bleiben

Pressemitteilung ZARM / 16.02.2021: Der ?rote Planet¡° am Abendhimmel scheint immer °ÄÃŻʹÚ_»Ê¹Ú×ãÇò±È·Ö-¾¢±¬ÌåÓý zum Greifen nah, denn f¨¹hrende Raumfahrtbeh?rden streben zuk¨¹nftig astronautische Missionen zum Mars an.

Drei unterschiedliche Vergr??erungen von einer Schraubenfeder ?hnlichen Geometrie
MAPEX Postkarten|

New MAPEX Postcard - 33

(A) Light microscopy image of magnetic chitosan helices. (B) and (C): Scanning electron microscopy images of helical chitosan fibers with embedded iron oxide nanoparticles.

vier unterschiedlich gef?rbte Bilder, wie bei einer Finiten Elemente Methode oder W?rmebildkamera
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New MAPEX Postcard - 32

Color-coded photoluminescence mappings of exfoliated MoS2 mono- and multilayers at different wavelengths. High/mean/low intensity is displayed in red/green/blue color. Figure dimension ~ 100 x 70 ?m?.

gr¨¹ne gro?e Scheibe mit einem schwarzen Kreis links daneben. Roter Kleks unter der gr¨¹nen Scheibe und schwarzer Kugel
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New MAPEX Postcard - 28

Dissolution kinetics of copper-based nanoparticles (diameter 10 nm) adapted to the environment for targeting of tumour cells (red) without affecting healthy body cells (green). Diameter of cells about 20 ?m.

MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Einbahnstra?e f¨¹r Elektronen

Ein Team um den theoretischen Physiker Professor Thomas Frauenheim (Universit?t Bremen) und Dr. Antonietta De Sio (Uni Oldenburg) hat erstmals einen gerichteten Energietransport zwischen Molek¨¹len eines Nanomaterials beobachtet. Die Resultate wurden jetzt in Nature Nanotechnology ver?ffentlicht.

DFG Forschungsprojekt Pulver
MAPEX Presse|

MAPEX Mitglieder Lutz M?dler und Udo Fritsching koordinieren neues DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm

Das von Lutz M?dler und Udo Fritsching aus der Verfahrenstechnik des Leibniz-IWT und der Universit?t Bremen beantragte Schwerpunktprogramm ?Gestaltung von Synergien in ma?geschneiderten Mischungen heterogener Pulver¡° wurde k¨¹rzlich als eines von 14 Projekten von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft…

Simulation eines turbulenten Blutstroms

Ungleichm??iger Blutstrom f?rdert Entwicklung von Arteriosklerose

In den menschlichen Blutbahnen geht es oft turbulenter zu, als es f¨¹r den menschlichen K?rper gut ist. Das hat jetzt ein internationales Forschungsteam um Dr. Duo Xu vom Zentrum f¨¹r angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie und Mikrogravitation (ZARM) an der Universit?t Bremen herausgefunden.

Siemens AG
MAPEX Presse|

Zwei Millionen Euro f¨¹r die KI-Forschung der Technomathematik

Die Arbeitsgruppe von Professor Peter Maa? vom Zentrum f¨¹r Technomathematik erh?lt zwei Millionen Euro, um als wissenschaftlicher Partner neue Anwendungen mit Hilfe K¨¹nstlicher Intelligenz (KI) zu realisieren ¨C denn ohne eine korrekte und leistungsf?hige mathematische Basis ist KI nicht denkbar.

27 MAPEX Postkarte
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New MAPEX Postcard - 27

Electron backscatter diffraction inverse pole figure map of a nanoporous high-entropy alloy showing the crystallographic orientation of grains. Hight of image about 4.5 ?m.

Jeremy Epp
MAPEX Presse|

Dr.-Ing. J¨¦r¨¦my Epp in Project Review Panel des DESY berufen

Dr.-Ing. J¨¦r¨¦my Epp ist als Mitglied des Project Review Panel (PRP) ?Materials Science¡° des Deutschen Elektronen-Synchrotons (DESY) nominiert worden (direkt zu den IWT News).

MAPEX Presse|

PreciWind: Neues Messsystem f¨¹r Windenergieanlagen

Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des Zentrums f¨¹r Windenergieforschung (ForWind) entwickeln ein neues Messsystem f¨¹r das Str?mungsverhalten der Rotorbl?tter. Das Forschungsprojekt PreciWind wird vom Bundesministerium f¨¹r Wirtschaft und Energie mit 3 Millionen Euro ¨¹ber drei Jahre gef?rdert.

Ilya Okulov
MAPEX Presse|

Dr. I. Okulov zum Associate Professor an der UrFU berufen

Hohe Anerkennung f¨¹r Dr. Ilya Okulov: er wurde jetzt zum Associate Professor (in Teilzeit) an der Uralischen F?deralen Universit?t (UrFU) Russland berufen (direkt zu den IWT News).

Roboter deckt Tisch
MAPEX Presse|

KI: Bremer Uni-Wissenschaftler z?hlen zu den einflussreichsten der Welt

Im Bereich K¨¹nstliche Intelligenz (KI) geh?ren vier Bremer Uni-Wissenschaftler weltweit zu den f¨¹hrenden Experten. Das ist das Ergebnis eines Rankings der renommierten Tsinghua University in China.

Hightech in der Universit?t Bremen: Beim Laser-Auftragschwei?en werden im 3D-Druckverfahren metallische Teile und Strukturen hergestellt.
MAPEX Presse|

3D-Druck: Neue Hightech-Anlage f¨¹r Bremer Materialwissenschaften

Mit dem MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes an der Universit?t Bremen hat sich ein starkes Netzwerk der Materialforschung etabliert. Es hat nun 2,2 Millionen Euro bei der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) eingeworben, um eine Anlage zum dreidimensionalen Laser-Auftragschwei?en aufzubauen.

Kalms et al., Additive Manufacturing 26, 161-165 (2019).
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New MAPEX Postcard - 25

High precision in-process monitoring with structured light of 3D laser-printed high-strength nickel chromium material. Figure dimension 20 x 20 mm, height range 0.25 mm coded from blue to red.

Carmesin et al., Nano Letters 19, 5, 3182 - 3186(2019)
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New MAPEX Postcard - 24

The formation of light-emitting quantum dots with 30 nm diameter has been studied for new ultrathin semiconductors constructed from a monolayer of MoS2 atoms.

Krisponeit et al. Physical Review Letters 122, 136801 (2019).
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New MAPEX Postcard - 23

Conductivity map of metallic surface regions on a functional material which were created by applying electric pulses to a microscopic tip. Diameter ~ 350 nm.

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Turbulence causes high energy losses in pipelines. A method to destabilize turbulence was developed and implemented in experiments, leading to energy savings of up to 90%.

MAPEX Presse|

Fertigungstechniker Bernhard Karpuschewski erh?lt Ehrendoktorw¨¹rde in Ungarn

Pressemitteilung der Universit?t Bremen / 29. August 2018 Karla G?tz

MAPEX Presse|

Leibniz-Institut f¨¹r Werkstofforientierte Technologien tritt Forschungsnetzwerk U Bremen Research Alliance bei

Pressemitteilung der Universit?t Bremen / 01. Februar 2018 MM

MAPEX Postkarten|

New MAPEX Postcard - 15

This atomic force microscopy image shows the topography of a periodical nanostructure with sinusoidal height distribution. Width of each yellow column about 100 nm.


ERC Consolidator Grant f¨¹r MAPEX Mitglied Fabio La Mantia

Gro?e Freude bei MAPEX Mitglied Fabio La Mantia. Er geh?rt zu den 329 europaweit aus 2.538 Bewerbern ausgew?hlten Spitenforscher/innen, die vom European Research Council (ERC) mit einem Consolidator Grant gef?rdert werden. Die ERC Consolidator Grants f?rdern vielversprechende Wissenschaftler/innen…

MAPEX Postkarten|

New MAPEX Postcard - 14

Crystal structure and surface plane analysis of Bi2WO6 nano-crystals and quantum-dots using pair distribution function refinements and high resolution transmission electron microscopy investigations. Width of crystal: 2nm.


Graduate Lecture

¡°Sustainable Energy: The Contribution of Photocatalysis and Photonics. Principles, Properties and Applications¡° - Prof. Dr. Cecilia B. Mendive -Visiting professor at the University of Bremen-

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New MAPEX Postcard - 13

Colloidal capsules are hollow spheres assembled from nanoparticles. By choosing building blocks with specific function, sophisticated multifunctional capsules can be designed with diameters as low as 100 nm.


navigare - Career Coaching for Women in Science

Das Coaching Programm navigare ¨C Career Coaching for Women in Science richtet sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen (Promovendinnen und Post-Doktorandinnen), die eine Professur oder eine F¨¹hrungsposition in der Wissenschaft anstreben.

Im September 2017 werden zwei Programme als gemeinsame…


Material 2.0: Concepts for Intelligent and Interconnected Materials

Guest lecture Prof. Dr. Rainer Adelung Institut f¨¹r Materialwissenschaft der Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel 23 June 2017 13:00 Uhr Location: NW2 C0290 The demands on material characteristics is challenging and partially contradictory. Materials should be strong  like metals but chemically…

MAPEX Postkarten|

New MAPEX Postcard - 12

Part of a mold for replicating micro-retroreflectors. The mold has been machined by Diamond Micro Chiseling, a dedicated micro-structuring process developed at the LFM in Bremen. Size of structures: 250 ?m. IWT Bremen, Ulrich Rei?.

MAPEX Postkarten|

New MAPEX Postcard - 11

Lithium ion batteries on flexible polyimide substrates are a smart energy storage solution for consumer electronics or applications related to the Internet-of-Things. Size of substrate: 2 x 2 cm.


Impressions from visiting the LFM of elderly students from Bremen and Bielefeld

For a delegation of elderly students from Bielefeld the visit of the Laboratory for Precision Machining (Labor f¨¹r Mikrozerspanung, LFM) was one of the highlights during their meeting with the representatives of the elderly students from the University of Bremen.

Direct link to the impressions here…

MAPEX Postkarten|

New MAPEX Postcard - 10

The crystalline orientation and morphology of sub-micrometer cerium dioxide islands grown on a copper surface can be controlled by adjusting the cerium-to-oxygen ratio during deposition.


Neighbor visit to OHB

Following up the presentation of Markus Rullich during the last Young Scientist Workshop, we have the chance to visit the OHB System AG, one of the three leading space companies in Europe and our neighbor in the "area of innovation". Please register no later than 2 December 2016. The number of…


6. VDI-Leichtbaukongress am 5./6. Juli 2016 in Bremen - Programm

Anmeldung und Programm zum VDI Leichtbaukongress 2016 in Bremen.

Der Leichtbaukongress in Bremen steht dieses Mal f¨¹r einen branchen¨¹bergreifenden Technologiedialog zwischen Automobilindustrie und ziviler Luftfahrt. Die Regionen Bremen und Niedersachen bieten hierf¨¹r einen exzellenten Rahmen, um…

MAPEX Presse|

Wie baut man ein Flugzeug aus Plastik? Sch¨¹ler lernen Materialwissenschaften der Universit?t Bremen kennen

Internationale Gruppe aus dem Erasmus-plus-Programm ?Matters of Matter¡° besucht am 9. M?rz 2016 sechs Institute und Einrichtungen der Universit?t


Wissenschaftscampus 2016 ¨C Das Sprungbrett f¨¹r Frauen in die Forschung (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft)

Als Teilnehmerin des °ÄÃŻʹÚ_»Ê¹Ú×ãÇò±È·Ö-¾¢±¬ÌåÓýt?gigen Wissenschaftscampus erhalten Sie tiefe Einblicke in die Forschungsarbeit sowie wertvolle Angebote zur St?rkung Ihrer pers?nlichen und fachlichen Kompetenzen. Veranstaltungshinweis: Veranstalter ist die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft vertreten durch ihre Institute an den…


Launch of MAPEX Instrument Database

The MAPEX Instrument Database is online now!

You can browse the database using different categories or perform a keyword search.

The database lists analytic infrastructure available in the groups of MAPEX members. The database is growing every day, if you want your equipement in there, just return…

MAPEX Presse|

MAPEX Mitglied ist Pr?sident der Internationalen Akademie f¨¹r Produktionstechnik CIRP

Ekkard Brinksmeier auf der CIRP-Hauptversammlung zum Pr?sidenten des Coll¨¨ge International pour la Recherche en Productique (CIRP) ernannt / Universit?t Bremen stellt 2016 erstmals CIRP-Pr?sidenten

MAPEX Presse|

Im Haus der Wissenschaft: Faszinierende Kristallographie

Noch bis zum 12. September 2015 ist im Haus der Wissenschaft die Ausstellung ?KRIMI ¨C Faszination Kristallographie¡°. Die von der Universit?t Bremen und der Deutschen Gesellschaft f¨¹r Kristallographie (DGK) organisierte Ausstellung l?dt in die faszinierende Welt der Kristalle, Minerale und…


MAPEX PhD Research Grants 2015 - incoming and outgoing

The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes invites internatioal PhD students and PhD students of MAPEX members to apply for short-term research grants. The PhD students can spend a limited period of time (one week to one month) at the University of Bremen within the group of a MAPEX member or at…

MAPEX Presse|

MAPEX im Weserkurier: Goldene Aussichten

Materialforscher der Universit?t Bremen wollen Edelmetall zur Herstellung unterschiedlicher Stoffe nutzen. J¨¹rgen Wendler vom Weser Kurier sprach mit MAPEX PI Prof. Marcus B?umer.

Atomic vs. sub-atomic
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Atomic vs. sub-atomic layer deposition: impact of growth rate on the optical and structural properties of MoS2 and WS2

Tessarek Christian; Grieb Tim; Grieb Tim; Petersen Christian; Karg Alexander; Osterloh Niels; Habben Christian; Figge Stephan; Krisponeit Jon-Olaf ; Schmidt Thomas; 

Jens Falta; Rosenauer Andreas; Eickhoff Martin;

2D Materials , 11  (2024), 025031

doi:  10.1088/2053-1583/ad3134

MoS 2  and WS 2…

Computational high-pressure chemistry
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Computational high-pressure chemistry: Ab initio simulations of atoms, molecules, and extended materials in the gigapascal regime

Zeller, Felix; Hsieh, Chieh-Min; Dononelli, Wilke;  Neudecker, Tim

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science , 14  (2024), e1708

doi:  10.1002/wcms.1708

The field of liquid-phase and solid-state high-pressure chemistry has exploded since the advent of the diamond anvil…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Smart-Alloying ¨C Liquid in-situ re-alloying in additive manufacturing

Hesselmann Marcel;  Fechte-Heinen  Rainer;  M?dler Lutz ; Steinbacher, Matthias;  Toenjes Anastasiya

Additive Manufacturing , 80  (2024), 103988

doi:  10.1016/j.addma.2024.103988

Smart alloying enables local modification of the chemical composition of metallic components within additive…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Depletion Type Organic Electrochemical Transistors and the Gradual Channel Approximation

Skowrons Michael; Dahal Drona; Paudel Pushpa Raj; L¨¹ssem Bj?rn

Advanced Functional Materials  34  (2023) 2303324

doi:  10.1002/adfm.202303324

The gradual channel approximation forms the foundation for the analysis of field-effect transistors. It has been used to discuss transistors that are not…

M?dler graphical abstract [Creative Commons CC-BY](
MAPEX Research Highlights|

PMD Core Ontology: Achieving semantic interoperability in materials science

Bernd Bayerlein; Markus Schilling; Henk Birkholz; Matthias Jung; J?rg Waitelonis; Lutz M?dler; Harald Sack

Materials and Design,  237 (2024), 112603

doi:  10.1016/j.matdes.2023.112603

Knowledge representation in the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) domain is a vast and multi-faceted…

Effect of iron
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Effect of ion-paring on the kinetics of redox systems with concentrated supporting electrolyte

Mugisa John; Chukwu Richard; Brogioli Doriano?; Brogioli Doriano????????; 

Electrochemical Acta 473  (2024), 143473

doi:  10.1016/j.electacta.2023.143473

The electron-transfer reaction is of pivotal importance not only in electrochemistry, but also in other scientific disciplines, such as…

Quantitative three-dimensional local order analysis
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Quantitative three-dimensional local order analysis of nanomaterials through electron diffraction

Ella Mara Schmidt; Paul Benjamin Klar; Yasar Krysiak; Petr Svora; Andrew L. Goodwin; Luke Palatinus

Nature Communications 14 (2023)

doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-41934-y

Structure-property relationships in ordered materials have long been a core principle in materials design. However, the introduction…

vibration of a crystal
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Toward a Complete Theory of Crystal Vibrations

Jan Berges

Physics 16(2023)


A new set of equations captures the dynamical interplay of electrons and vibrations in crystals and forms a basis for computational studies.

Although a crystal is a highly ordered structure, it is never at rest: its atoms…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Tidying up the conformational ensemble of a disordered peptide by computational prediction of spectroscopic fingerprints

Monika Michaelis, Lorenzo Cupellini, Carl Mensch, Carole C. Perry, Massimo Delle Piane, Lucio Colombi Ciacchia

Chemical Science 14(2023)


The most advanced structure prediction methods are powerless in exploring the conformational ensemble of disordered…

Nanomaterials combining
MAPEX Research Highlights|

A?Machine-Learning-Based Approach for Solving Atomic Structures of Nanomaterials Combining Pair Distribution Functions with Density Functional Theory

Magnus Kl?ve; Sanna Sommer; Bo B. Iversen; Bj?rk Hammer; Wilke Dononelli.

Advanced Materials 35 (2023), 2208220

doi: 10.1002/adma.202208220

Determination of crystal structures of nanocrystalline or amorphous compounds is a great challenge in solid-state chemistry and physics. Pair distribution…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Accurate structure models and absolute configuration determination using dynamical effects in continuous-rotation 3D electron diffraction data

Paul B Klar; Ya?ar Krysiak; Hongyi Xu; Gwladys Steciuk; Jung Cho; Xiaodong Zou; Lukas Palatinus.

Nature Chemistry 15 (2023), 848 - 855

doi: 10.1038/s41557-023-01186-1

Continuous-rotation 3D electron diffraction methods are increasingly popular for the structure analysis of very small organic…

catalyst reaction
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Ceramic Open Cell Foams Featuring Plasmonic Hybrid Metal Nanoparticles for In Situ SERS Monitoring of Catalytic Reactions

Tongwei Guo; M. Mangir Murshed; Kurosch RezwanMichael Maas.

Advanced Materials Interfaces 10 (2023)

doi: 10.1002/admi.202300207

This work presents porous zirconia-toughened alumina ceramics functionalized with Au@Pd/Au@Pt core¨Cshell nanoparticle (NP) for in situ monitoring of catalytic…

Numerical Simulation
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Compensation of sintering deformation for components manufactured by metal binder jetting using numerical simulations

Shahrooz Sadeghi Borujeni;  Gursimran Singh Saluja; Vasily Ploshikhin

Rapid Prototyping Journal 29 (2023)

doi: 10.1108/RPJ-06-2022-0181

Purpose: This study aims at compensating for sintering deformation of components manufactured by metal binder jetting (MBJ) technology.…

Oxygen lean atmosphere
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Flame Aerosol Synthesis of Metal Sulfides at High Temperature in Oxygen-Lean Atmosphere

Suman Pokhrel; Jakob Stahl; Jan Derk Groeneveld; Marco Schowalter; Andreas Rosenauer; Johannes Birkenstock and Lutz M?dler.

Advanced Materials  35 (2023), 2211104 

doi: 10.1002/adma.202211104

The development of a novel reactive spray technology based on the well-known gas-phase metal oxide…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Ga-induced delithiation of grain boundaries in a Li containing Al-based alloy

L.T. Belkacemi; Gault B.; Esin V.A.; Epp J.

Materials Characterization 199 (2023), 112812


The investigation of Li containing materials is of crucial importance for a number of material applications, including aerospace engineering. The aluminum…

acustic image
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Identifying damage mechanisms of composites by acoustic emission and supervised machine learning

Renato S.M. Almeida;  Marcelo D. Magalha?es;  Md Nurul Karim; Kamen Tushtev; Kurosch Rezwan.

Materials and Design, 227 (2023), 111745

doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2023.111745

Acoustic emission (AE) is a well-established technique for in-situ damage analysis of composite materials. The main challenge,…

Material Discrimination
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Material Discrimination in Nanoparticle Hetero-Aggregates by Analysis of Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Images

Beeke Gerken; Christoph Mahr;  Jakob Stahl; Tim Grieb; Marco Schowalte; Florian F. Krause; Thorsten Mehrtens; Lutz M?dler and Andreas Rosenauer

Particle and Particle Systems Characterization 40 (2023)


Hetero-contacts are interfaces between different…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Memoryless drop breakup in turbulence

Alberto Vela-Martin  AND Marc Avila

Science Advances 8 (2022)

doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abp9561

The breakup of drops and bubbles in turbulent fluids is a key mechanism in many environmental and engineering processes. Even in the well-studied dilute case, quantitative descriptions of drop fragmentation…

chemical reviews
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Nanoporous Gold: From Structure Evolution to Functional Properties in Catalysis and Electrochemistry

Gunther Wittstock, Marcus Ba?umer, Wilke Dononelli, Thorsten Klu?ner, Lukas Lu?hrs, Christoph Mahr, Lyudmila V. Moskaleva, Mehtap Oezaslan, Thomas Risse, Andreas Rosenauer, Anne Staubitz, Jo?rg Weissmu?ller, and Arne Wittstock.

Chemical Reviews 123 (2023), 6716 - 6792 

doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.2c0…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Stille vs. Suzuki - cross-coupling for the functionalization of diazocines

Melanie Walther, Waldemar Kipke, Raul Renkena and Anne Staubitz

RSC Advances, 13 (2023), 15805 - 15809

doi: 10.1039/d3ra02988c

Diazocines are azobenzene derived macrocyclic photoswitches with well resolved photostationary states for the (E)- and (Z)-isomers, which improves their addressability by…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

The MaMBA facility as a testbed for bioregenerative life support systems

Christiane Heinicke; Cyprien Verseux.

Life Sciences in Space Research 36 (2023), 86 - 89 


The Moon and Mars Base Analog (MaMBA) is a concept for an extraterrestrial habitat developed at the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM)…

Two female scientists work in front of a computer
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Communication quality affects performance of astronauts and support teams through increased workload: Insights from the AMADEE-20 analog Mars mission

Vera Hagemann, Lara Watermann, Florian Klonek, Christiane Heinicke 

Acta Astronautica Article 210 (2023) ,162-175

doi:, preprint available open access

Astronaut crews and ground control support teams are highly…

Dry adhesive
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Dry-Adhesive Microstructures for Material Handling of Additively Manufactured and Deep-Rolled Metal Surfaces with Reference to Mars

Nicole Mensching, Mirja Louisa Kr¨¹ger,  Askar Kvaratskheliya, Daniel Meyer, Kirsten Tracht, Ilya Okulov and Lutz M?dler

Materials 16 (2023), 4170

doi:, preprint available open access: doi:

Once on Mars,…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Truchet-tile structure of a topologically aperiodic metal¨Corganic framework

Emily G. Meekel; Ella M. Schmidt ; Lisa J Cameron; A. David Dharma; Hunter J. Windsor; Samuel G. Duyker; Arianna Minelli; Tom Pope; Giovanni Orazio Lepore; Ben Slater; Cameron J. Kepert Andrew L. Goodwin, 

Science, 379  (2023), 6630

doi:  10.1126/science.ade5239

When tiles decorated to lower…

Human habitat
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Human habitats: prospects for infrastructure supporting astronomy from the Moon

C. Heinicke and B. Foing

Philosophical Transactions A  379 (2021) , 2188

doi: 10.1098/rsta.2019.0568

There is strong interest in lunar exploration from governmental space agencies, private companies and the public. NASA is about to send humans to the lunar surface again within the next few years,…

Research Graph
MAPEX Research Highlights|

On the growth dynamics of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7938 in Martian regolith

Tiago P. Ramalho, Guillaume Chopin, Lina Salman, Vincent Baumgartner, Christiane Heinicke, and Cyprien Verseux

npj Microgravity 8 (2022), 43

The sustainability of crewed infrastructures on Mars will depend on their abilities to produce consumables on…

Research Graph
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Investigation of the dealloying front in partially corroded alloys

Christoph Mahr, Jorge Adrian Tapia Burgos, Marco Schowalter, Arne Wittstock and Andreas Rosenauer.

Material Research Letters 10 (2022),12, 824

Nanoporous gold as obtained by corrosion of alloys of gold and a less noble metal is a system with manifold…

Research Graph
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Disentangling catalysis and mass transport: Using diffusion measurements by pulsed field gradient NMR to reveal the microkinetics of CO oxidation over nanoporous gold

Amineh Baniani, Stefan Wild, Evan M.Forman, Thomas Risse, Sergey Vasenkov, Marcus B?umer

Journal of Catalyst 413 (2022), 1123

Since the first studies reporting on its surprising catalytic properties, nanoporous gold (npAu) has emerged as a novel and ever…

Research Graph
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Identification of a HTT-specific binding motif in DNAJB1 essential for suppression and disaggregation of HTT

S. M. Ayala Mariscal, M. L. Pigazzini, Y. Richter, M. ?zel, I. L. Grothaus, J. Protze, K. Ziege, M. Kulke, M. Elbediwi, J.V. Vermaas, L. Colombi Ciacchi, S. K?ppen, F. Liu, J. Kirstein.

Nature Communications 13 (2022) , 4692.

Huntington¡¯s disease is a…

acustic image
MAPEX Research Highlights|

A vision for Human Mars Exploration made in Bremen

M. Avila, C. Heinicke, L. Colombi Ciacchi , A. Dekosy, S. Fehrler, K. Rezwan , N. Sieroka, K. Tracht, C. Verseux

44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Athens, Greece, 2022: abstract PEX.2-0002-22.

Leading space agencies have the intention to bring humans to Mars in the next decades, and some private…

research graph
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Ultrahigh Electron Thermal Conductivity in T-Graphene, Biphenylene, and Net-Graphene

Zhen Tong, Alessandro Pecchia, ChiYung Yam, Traian Dumitric?, Thomas Frauenheim

Advanced Energy Materials12 (2022), 28

Although isolated nonhexagonal carbon rings in graphene are associated with strain relaxation and curvature, dense and ordered…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Spatially resolved direct gas-phase thermometry in chemical reactors using NMR

Harm Ridder, Christoph Sinn, Georg R. Pesch, Wolfgang Dreher, Jorg Th?ming

Chemical Engineering Journal  433 (2022), 133583

In the last decade, in-situ studies using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) showed the possibility to monitor local transport…

research graph
MAPEX Research Highlights|

ESA s Cometary Mission Rosetta Re©\Characterization of the COSAC Mass Spectrometry

Guillaume Leseigneur, Dr. Jan Hendrik Bredeh?ft, Dr. Thomas Gautier, Dr. Chaitanya Giri, Dr. Harald Kr¨¹ger, Prof.?Dr. Alexandra J. MacDermott, Prof.?Dr. Uwe J. Meierhenrich, Dr. Guillermo M. Mu?oz Caro, Prof.?Dr. Fran?ois Raulin, Dr. Andrew Steele, Dr. Harald Steininger, Prof.?Dr. Cyril Szopa, Prof.…

research graph
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Electrochemical Methods for Exploiting Low-Temperature Heat Sources: Challenges in Material Research

Doriano Brogioli, Fabio La Mantia

Advanced Energy Materials12 (2022) , 22

The exploitation of renewable low temperature heat sources below 100 ¡ãC can significantly contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy, in particular if applied to small and…

Research graph
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Numerical simulation of shrinkage and deformation during sintering in metal binder jetting with experimental validation

Shahrooz Sadeghi Borujeni, AnwarShad, Kiranmayi Abburi Venkata, NicoG¨¹nther, VasilyPloshikhin

Materials & Design  216 (2022), 110490

Sintering, as a post-processing step in metal binder jetting (MBJ), often results in distortion. Numerical simulations…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Molecular diameters of rarefied gases

S. Kunze, R. Groll, B. Besser & J. Th?ming

Scientific Reports (2022) 12, 2057

Molecular diameters are an important property of gases for numerous scientific and technical disciplines. Different measurement techniques for these diameters exist, each…

research graph
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Open challenges and good experimental practices in the research field of aqueous Zn-ion batteries

Giorgia Zampardi & Fabio La Mantia

Nature Communications 13 (2022) , 687

Aqueous zinc-ion batteries are realistic candidates as stationary storage systems for power-grid applications. However, to accelerate their commercialization, some important…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Surface-initiated ring-opening polymerization of ¦Å-caprolactone as a feasible approach to modify flax yarn

J. M¨¹ller-H¨¹lstede, H. Sch?fer, P. Schiffels, P. Bottke, M. Wark, K. Koschek

Composites Part A 152 (2021), 106714

Surface-initiated ring-opening (SI-ROP) polymerization of ?-caprolactone is known as possible modification method to increase the hyd…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Equipping an extraterrestrial laboratory: Overview of open research questions and recommended instrumentation for the Moon

Christiane Heinicke, Solmaz Adeli, Mickael Baqu¨¦, Giuseppe Correale, Miranda Fateri, Steven Jaret, Nina Kopacz, Jens Orm?, Lucie Poulet, Cyprien Verseux

Advances in Space Research (2021) 68 (6), 2565-2599

? 2021 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V., https:/…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Separating microparticles by material and size using dielectrophoretic chromatography with frequency modulation

Jasper Giesler, Laura Weirauch, Jorg Th?ming, Michael Baune & Georg R. Pesch 

Scientific Reports (2021) 11, 16861

Separation of (biological) particles (?10 ¦Ìm?10 ¦Ìm) according to size or other properties is an ongoing challenge in a variety of technical…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Cationic Carbene Analogues: Donor-Free Phosphenium and Arsenium Ions

Dr. Marian Olaru, Dr. Stefan Mebs, Prof.?Dr. Jens Beckmann

Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2021) 60, 19133-19138

Carbenes and their analogues have constantly enthralled chemists with their intriguing reactivity of ambiphilic character stemming from…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

A modeling approach for unveiling adsorption of toxic ions on iron oxide nanocrystals

Inna Kurganskaya, Nabeel Khan Niazi, Andreas Luttge

Journal of Hazardous Materials (2021) 417, 5

The era of advanced computer simulations in materials science enables a great potential to design in silico computational experiments for (nano-)material…

a green sheet
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Temperature increase on folded solar sail membranes

P. Seefeldt, B. Dachwald

Advances in Space Research (2021) 67 (9), 2688-2695

All currently considered solar sail designs require the deployment of a thin reflective membrane. This membrane is stowed using some folding technique and sometimes coiled onto a…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Efficient Thin Polymer Coating as a Selective Thermal Emitter for Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling

Udayan Banik, Ashutosh Agrawal, Hosni Meddeb, Oleg Sergeev, Nies Reininghaus, Maximilian G?tz-K?hler, Kai Gehrke, Jonas Stu?hrenberg, Martin Vehse, Maciej Sznajder and Carsten Agert

American Chemical Society (2021) 13 (20), 24130-24137

a white big dome and solar panels
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Crew self-organization and group-living habits during three autonomous, long-duration Mars analog missions

C. Heinicke, L. Poulet, J. Dunn, A. Meier

Acta Astronautica (2021) 182, 160-178.

Analog environments for simulating aspects of spaceflight are being utilized for studying the psychological effects of the projected journey to Mars. In 2016, a series…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Particle-oriented peening as method to investigate the material dependent deformation behaviour

Nicole Wielki, Heike Sonnenberg, Daniel Meyer, Brigitte Clausen

Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2021) 289, 116960.

The material and its microstructure define the behaviour of a part in a deformation process. A single particle…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

A Low-Pressure, N2/CO2 Atmosphere Is Suitable for Cyanobacterium-Based Life-Support Systems on Mars

Cyprien Verseux, Christiane Heinicke, Tiago P. Ramalho, Jonathan Determann, Malte Duckhorn, Michael Smagin, Marc Avila

Front. Microbiol. (2021).

doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.611798

Press release ZARM

ZDF Heute feature

The leading space agencies aim for crewed missions to Mars in the coming decades.…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

High-Throughput Screening of Synergistic Transition Metal Dual-Atom Catalysts for Efficient Nitrogen Fixation

Xingshuai Lv, Wei Wei, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai and Thomas Frauenheim

Nano Letters (2021) 21, 1871-1878

? 2021 American Chemical Society,

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Electron-Induced Processing of Methanol Ice

Fabian Schmidt, Petra Swiderek and Jan H. Bredeho?ft

ACS Earth Space Chem. (2021) 5, 391-408

More hot articles on electron-induced chemistry from the Swiederek group can be found here: /fb2/news/detailansicht/heisse-fors…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Intermolecular conical intersections in molecular aggregates

Antonietta De Sio, Ephraim Sommer, Xuan Trung Nguyen, Lynn Gro?, Du?ko Popovi?, Benjamin Tyler Nebgen, Sebastian Fernandez-Alberti, Stefano Pittalis, Carlo Andrea Rozzi, Elisa Molinari, Elena Mena-Osteritz, Peter B?uerle, Thomas Frauenheim, Sergei Tretiak & Christoph Lienau

Nat. Nanotechnol.

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Towards automation of wind energy rotor blade production: a review of challenges and application examples

Jan-Hendrik Ohlendorf, Marvin Richrath, Jan Franke, Michael Brink, Klaus-Dieter Thoben


doi: 10.1080/20550340.2020.1838224

Current wind turbine rotor blades have a significant impact on the cost of the turbine, which is mainly a…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Deconfinement of Mott localized electrons into topological and spin¨Corbit-coupled Dirac fermions

Jos¨¦ M. Pizarro, Severino Adler, Karim Zantout, Thomas Mertz, Paolo Barone, Roser Valent¨ª, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Tim O. Wehling

npj Quantum Materials (2020) 5, Article number: 79

doi: 10.1038/s41535-020-00277-3

The interplay of electronic correlations, spin¨Corbit coupling and topology holds…

Figure from paper
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Influence of plasmon excitations on atomic-resolution quantitative 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy

A. Beyer, F.F. Krause, H.L. Robert, S. Firoozabadi, T. Grieb, P. K¨¹kelhan, D. Heimes, M. Schowalter, K. M¨¹ller-Caspary, A. Rosenauer, K. Volz

Scientific Reports (2020) 10 (1), art. no. 17890

doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-74434-w

Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) allows to gain…

Figure from paper
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Controlled Laser-Thinning of MoS2Nanolayers and Transformation to Amorphous MoOxfor 2D Monolayer Fabrication

C. Tessarek, O. Gridenco, M. Wiesing, J. M¨¹ssener, S. Figge, K. Sebald, J. Gutowski, M. Eickhoff

ACS Applied Nano Materials (2020) 3 (8), 7490-7498.


MAPEX Research Highlights|

Wet-spinning of magneto-responsivehelical chitosan microfibers

Dorothea Br¨¹ggemann, Johanna Michel, Naiana Suter, Matheus Grande de Aguiar, Michael Maas

Beilstein J. Nanotechnology (2020) 11, 991¨C999.


Helical structures can be found in nature at various length scales ranging from the molecular level to the macroscale. Due to…

Simulation eines turbulenten Blutstroms
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Nonlinear hydrodynamic instability and turbulence in pulsatile flow

Duo Xu, Atul Varshney, Xingyu Ma, Baofang Song, Michael Riedl, Marc Avila, Bj?rn Hof

PNAS (2020) 117, 11233-11239

Pulsating flows through tubular geometries are laminar provided that velocities are moderate. This in particular is also believed to apply to…

Bild Paper
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Strong Macroscale Supercrystalline Structures by 3D Printing Combined with Self©\Assembly of Ceramic Functionalized Nanoparticles

Berta Dom¨¨nech, Alvin T. L. Tan, Hans Jelitto, Eduardo Zegarra Berodt, Malte Blankenburg, Oliver Focke, Jaclyn Cann, C. Cem Tasan, Lucio Colombi Ciacchi, Martin M¨¹ller, Kaline P. Furlan, A. John Hart, Gerold A. Schneider

Advanced Engineering Materials (2020) 22, 2000352…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Additive manufacturing of heavy rare earth free high-coercivity permanent magnets

Volegov, A.S., Andreev, S.V., Selezneva, N.V., Ryzhikhin, I.A., Kudrevatykh, N.V., M?dler, L., Okulov, I.V.

Acta Materialia (2020) 188, 733-739

Laser based powder bed fusion is a promising manufacturing method that can be used for the fabrication of…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Simulation-based evaluation of zeolite adsorbents for the removal of emerging contaminants

Michael Fischer

Materials Advances(2020) 1, 86-98

DOI: 10.1039/d0ma00025f

A number of experimental studies have evaluated the potential of hydrophobic high-silica zeolites for the adsorptive removal of emerging organic contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products, from water.…

AIMD Simulation
MAPEX Research Highlights|

What Changes on the Inverse Catalyst? Insights from CO Oxidation on Au-Supported Ceria Nanoparticles Using Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics

Yong Li, Shikun Li, Marcus B?umer, Elena A. Ivanova-Shor, Lyudmila V. Moskaleva

ACS Catalysis (2020) 10, 3164-3174

nsCouette ¨C A high-performance code for direct numerical simulations of turbulent Taylor¨CCouette flow
MAPEX Research Highlights|

nsCouette ¨C A high-performance code for direct numerical simulations of turbulent Taylor¨CCouette flow

Jose Manuel Lopez, Daniel Feldmann, Markus Rampp, Alberto Vela-Martin, Liang Shi, Marc Avila

Software X (2020) 11, 100395

We present nsCouette, a highly scalable software tool to solve the Navier¨CStokes equations for incompressible fluid flow between…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Lithium recovery from diluted brine by means of electrochemical ion exchange in a flow-through-electrodes cell

Maria Sofia Palagonia, Doriano Brogioli, Fabio La Mantia

Desalination (2020) 475, 114192

DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2019.114192

Lithium is becoming an important raw material due to the expansion of the market of lithium-ion batteries, required for electric vehicles and for stationary energy storage.…

Scheme of the applied PFG-STE sequence
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Pore-Scale Analysis of Axial and Radial Dispersion Coefficients of Gas Flow in Macroporous Foam Monoliths Using NMR-based Displacement Measurements

Mojtaba Mirdrikvand, Mehrdad Sadeghi, M. Nurul Karima, J?rg Th?ming, Wolfgang Dreher

Chemical Engineering Journal (2020) 388 124234

A micro-scale analysis of mass transport in ceramic foams that are used as catalyst supports in gas phase reactions is of…

Model©\Based Nanoengineered Pharmacokinetics of Iron©\Doped Copper Oxide for Nanomedical Applications
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Model-Based Nanoengineered Pharmacokinetics of Iron-Doped Copper Oxide for Nanomedical Applications

M.?Sc. Hendrik Naatz, Dr. Bella B. Manshian, Dr. Carla Rios Luci, Dr. Vasiliki Tsikourkitoudi, Prof.?Dr. Yiannis Deligiannakis, Dr. Johannes Birkenstock, Dr. Suman Pokhrel, Prof.?Dr. Lutz M?dler, Dr. Stefaan J. Soenen

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (2020) 59, 1828-1836…

ACS Applied Nano Materials
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Rare-Earth-Doped Y4Al2O9 Nanoparticles for Stable Light-Converting Phosphors

Chenyang Liu, Suman Pokhrel, Christian Tessarek, Haipeng Li, Marco Schowalter, Andreas Rosenauer, Martin Eickhoff, Shuiqing Li, Lutz M?dler

ACS Applied Nano Materials (2020) 3, 699-710.

is(ferrocenyl)phosphenium Ion Revisited
MAPEX Research Highlights|

The Bis(ferrocenyl)phosphenium Ion Revisited

Dr. Marian Olaru, Alexandra Mischin, Lorraine A. Malaspina, Dr. Stefan Mebs, Prof.?Dr. Jens Beckmann

Angewandte Chemie- International Edition (2020) 59, Pages 1581-1584

The bis(ferrocenyl)phosphenium ion, [Fc2P]+, reported by Cowley et al. (J. Am. Chem. Soc.…

Advanced Materials
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Beating Thermal Coarsening in Nanoporous Materials via High-Entropy Design

Soo-Hyun Joo,* Jae Wung Bae, Won-Young Park, Yusuke Shimada, Takeshi Wada, Hyoung Seop Kim, Akira Takeuchi, Toyohiko J. Konno, Hidemi Kato,* and Ilya V. Okulov

Advanced Materials (2019) 1906160

Controlling the feature sizes of 3D bicontinuous nanoporous…

Rigid Band Shifts in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors through External Dielectric Screening
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Rigid Band Shifts in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors through External Dielectric Screening

Lutz Waldecker, Archana Raja, Malte R?sner, Christina Steinke, Aaron Bostwick, Roland J. Koch, Chris Jozwiak, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Eli Rotenberg, Tim O. Wehling, and Tony F. Heinz

Physical Review Letters (2019) 123, 206403


Coherent Real-Space Charge Transport Across a Donor¨CAcceptor Interface Mediated by Vibronic Couplings
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Coherent Real-Space Charge Transport across a Donor-Acceptor Interface Mediated by Vibronic Couplings

Ziyao Xu, Yi Zhou, Lynn Gro?, Antonietta De Sio, Chi Yung Yam, Christoph Lienau*, Thomas Frauenheim, GuanHua Chen*

Nano Letters (2019) 19(11), pp. 8630-8637

Wafer©\Scale Synthesis of Graphene on Sapphire: Toward Fab©\Compatible Graphene
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Wafer-Scale Synthesis of Graphene on Sapphire: Toward Fab-Compatible Graphene

Neeraj Mishra, Stiven Forti, Filippo Fabbri, Leonardo Martini, Clifford McAleese, Ben R. Conran, Patrick R. Whelan, Abhay Shivayogimath, Bjarke S. Jessen, Lars Bu?, Jens Falta, Ilirjan Aliaj, Stefano Roddaro, Jan I. Flege, Peter B?ggild, Kenneth B. K. Teo, Camilla Coletti

Small (2019), Volume 15,…

21.10.2019 Fast and Accurate Quantum Crystallography: From Small to Large, from Light to Heavy
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Fast and Accurate Quantum Crystallography: From Small to Large, from Light to Heavy

Lorraine A. Malaspina, Erna K. Wieduwilt, Justin Bergmann, Florian Kleemiss, Benjamin Meyer, Manuel F. Ruiz-L¨®pez, Rumpa Pal, Emanuel Hupf, Jens Beckmann, Ross O. Piltz, Alison J. Edwards, Simon Grabowsky, Alessandro Genoni

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2019), Volume 10, Issue 22, 21…

2019 American Chemical Society
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Controlling the Multiscale Structure of Nanofibrous Fibrinogen Scaffolds for Wound Healing

Stapelfeldt, K., Stamboroski, S., Walter, I., Suter, N., Kowalik, T., Michaelis, M., Br¨¹ggemann, D.

Nano letters (2019) 19 (9) , pp. 6554-6563.

The corresponding press release and TV contribution can be found here:


Acta Crystallographica
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Relativistic quantum crystallography of diphenyl- And dicyanomercury. Theoretical structure factors and Hirshfeld atom refinement

Bu?insk?, L., Jayatilaka, D., Grabowsky, S.

Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances (2019) 75, pp. 705-717.

Quantum crystallographic refinement of heavy-element-containing compounds is a challenge, because many physical effects have to…

Advanced Materials
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Living Materials Herald a New Era in Soft Robotics

Appiah, C., Arndt, C., Siemsen, K., Heitmann A., Staubitz A., Selhuber©\Unkel C.

Advanced Materials (2019) 1807747

Living beings have an unsurpassed range of ways to manipulate objects and interact with them. They can make autonomous decisions and can heal…

pic of paper
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Supervised non-negative matrix factorization methods for MALDI imaging applications

Leuschner, J., Schmidt, M., Fernsel, P., Lachmund, D., Boskamp, T., Maass, P.

Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) (2019) 35 (11), pp.1940-1947

MOTIVATION: Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is a common tool for obtaining low-rank approximations…

layer and layer
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Layer-by-Layer Resistive Switching: Multistate Functionality due to Electric-Field-Induced Healing of Dead Layers

Krisponeit, J.-O., Damaschke, B., Moshnyaga, V., Samwer, K.

Physical Review Letters (2019) 122 (13)

Materials exhibiting reversible resistive switching in electrical fields are highly demanded for functional elements in oxide electronics. In…

research highlight
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Quantum-Dot-Like States in Molybdenum Disulfide Nanostructures Due to the Interplay of Local Surface Wrinkling, Strain, and Dielectric Confinement

Carmesin, C., Lorke, M., Florian, M., Erben, D., Schulz, A., WehlingT. O., Jahnke, F.

Nano Letters (2019) 19, 5,3182-3186

mixed copper
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Mixed copper-zinc hexacyanoferrates as cathode materials for aqueous zinc-ion batteries

Kasiri, G., Glenneberg, J., Bani Hashemi, A., Kun, R., La Mantia, F.

Energy Storage Materials (2019),19, 360-369

Aqueous rechargeable metal-ion batteries have become potentially advantageous for the integration of renewable energy sources into the…

The Floppiness of It All
MAPEX Research Highlights|

The Floppiness of It All: Bond Lengths Change with Atomic Displacement Parameters and the Flexibility of Various Coordination Tetrahedra in Zeolitic Frameworks. An Empirical Structural Study of Bond Lengths and Angles

Baur, W.H., Fischer, R.X.

Chemistry of Materials (2019) 31 (7), 2401-2420.

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Investigations on morphological and electrochemical changes of all-solid-state thin film battery cells under dynamic mechanical stress conditions

Glenneberg, J., Kasiri, G., Bardenhagen, I.,  Mantia, F. La., Busse, M., Kun, R.

Nano Energy (2019) 57, 549-557.

To design and manufacture high-performance energy storage devices with real mechanical flexibility is one of the main advantages of the…

new approach
MAPEX Research Highlights|

New approach to evaluate 3D laser printed parts in powder bed fusion-based additive manufacturing in-line within closed space

Kalms, M., Narita, R., Thomy, C., Vollertsen, F., Bergmann, R.B.

Additive Manufacturing (2019) 26,161-165.

Additive manufacturing that allows layer by layer shaping of complex structures is of rapidly increasing interest in production technology. A…

mapex Research highlight
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Pseudodoping of a metallic two-dimensional material by the supporting substrate

Shao, B., Eich, A., Sanders, C., Ngankeu, A. S., Bianchi, M., Hofmann, P.,  Khajetoorians, A. A., WehlingT.

Nature Communications (2019) 10, Article Number 180.

Charge transfers resulting from weak bondings between two-dimensional materials and the…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Prospects and Limitations of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Laser Gain Materials

Lohof, F., Steinhoff, A., Florian, M., Lorke, M., Erben, D., Jahnke, F., Gies, C.

Nano Letters (2019) 19 (1), 210-217.

Hazard assessment
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Hazard assessment of quinaldine-, alkylcarbazole-, benzene- and toluene-based liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHCs) systems

Markiewicz, M., Zhang, Y.-Q., Empl, M.T., Lykaki, M., Th?ming, J., Steinberg, P., Stolte, S.

Energy and Environmental Science (2019) 12 (1), 366-383.

Due to the finite nature and scarcity of crude oil-based fuels, increasing attention is being directed towards…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Ligand-functionalized Pt nanoparticles as asymmetric heterogeneous catalysts: molecular reaction control by ligand¨Creactant interactions

A. ?ulce, J. Backenk?hler, I. Schrader, M. Delle Piane, C. M¨¹ller, A. Wark, L.Colombi Ciacchi, V. Azov, S. Kunz

Catalysis Science & Technology (2018), 8, 6062 - 6075.

The asymmetric hydrogenation of ¦Â-keto esters over platinum nanoparticles (NPs)…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Structural and Computational Assessment of the Influence of Wet-Chemical Post-Processing of the Al-Substituted Cubic Li7La3Zr2O12

Kun, R., Langer, F., Delle Piane, M., Ohno, S., Zeier, W.G., Gockeln, M., Colombi Ciacchi, L., Busse, M., Fekete, I.

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (2018) , . Article in Press.

Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) and related compounds are considered as…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Tuning the Optoelectronic Properties of Stannoles by the Judicious Choice of the Organic Substituents

 R. Y. Medina, I.-M., Rohdenburg, M., Mostaghimi, F., Grabowsky, S., Swiderek, P., Beckmann, J., Hoffmann, J., Dorcet, V., Hissler, M., Staubitz, A.

Inorganic Chemistry (2018), 57 (20), pp 12562¨C12575.

Stannoles are organometallic rings in which…

research highlight
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Al(OCArF3)3 ¨C a thermally stable Lewis superacid

Authors:J.F. K?gel,  A. Y. Timoshkin, A. Schr?der, E. Lorka, J. Beckmann

Journal:Chemical Science (2018), 9, 8178-8183.

The adduct free Lewis superacid Al(OCArF3)3 was obtained by the reaction of ArF3COH with AlEt3 and fully characterized (ArF = C6F5). It…

Materialien f¨¹r die Photonik von morgen
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Biexciton fine structure in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides

A. Steinhoff, M. Florian, A. Singh, K. Tran, M. Kolarczik, S. Helmrich, A. W. Achtstein, U. Woggon, N. Owschimikow, F. Jahnke & X. Li 

Nature Physics (2018)

The optical properties of atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) semiconductors…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Visible-Light Photocatalysis with Mullite-Type Bi2(Al1¨CxFex)4O9: Striking the Balance between Bandgap Narrowing and Conduction Band Lowering

M. Curti , A. Kirsch, L. I. Granone¡Î , F. Tarasi, G. L¨®pez-Robledo, D. W. Bahnemann¡Î , M. M. Murshed, T.M. Gesing , C. B. Mendive

ACC Catalysis (2018) 8, 8844-8855.

The rich crystal chemistry of mullite-type Bi2M4O9 (M = Fe, Al, Ga) offers multiple…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Bridging the scales in high- throughput dielectrophoretic (bio-) particle separation in porous media

G.R. Pesch, M. Lorenz, S. Sachde, S. Salameh, F. Du, M. Baune, P. E. Boukany & J. Th?ming

Scientific Reports (2018) 8:10480

Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is a versatile technique for the solution of difficult (bio-)particle separation tasks based on size and…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Flame aerosol deposited Li4Ti5O12 layers for ?exible, thin ?lm all-solid-state Li-ion batteries

M. Gockeln, J. Glenneberg, M. Busse, S. Pokhrel, L. M?dler, R. Kun 

Nano Energy (2018) 49, 564-573.

Flexible thin film all-solid-state Li-ion batteries are considered as promising candidates to power a multitude of flexible and miniaturized electronic…

New Model for Predicting Adsorption of Polar Molecules in Metal¨COrganic Frameworks with Unsaturated Metal Sites
MAPEX Research Highlights|

New Model for Predicting Adsorption of Polar Molecules in Metal¨COrganic Frameworks with Unsaturated Metal Sites

C. Campbell, J. R. B. Gomes , M. Fischer, M. Jorge

J. Phys. Chem. Lett., (2018) 9 ,3544¨C3553.

Conventional molecular models fail to correctly describe interactions of adsorbates with coordinatively unsaturated sites (CUS) present in a large number of…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Generation of High©\Molecular©\Weight Polymers with Diverse Substituents: An Unusual Metal©\Free Synthesis of Poly(aminoborane)s

A. Staubitz

Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2018) 57, 5990-5992.

A new concept has been introduced for the preparation of high©\molecular©\weight poly(aminoborane)s with diverse substituents on the nitrogen atom. Whereas previous methods were…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Investigation of the temperature dependent impact behaviour of pin reinforced foam core sandwich structures

M. A. Dimassi, M. John, A. S.Herrmann

Composite Structures (2018) 198, in press.

Dry carbon and glass fibre bundles were inserted into a ROHACELL? 71HERO Polymethacrylimide (PMI) foam core under a specific inclination angle and pin pattern in order…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

The Dielectric Impact of Layer Distances on Exciton and Trion Binding Energies in van der Waals Heterostructures

M. Florian, M. Hartmann, A. Steinhoff, J. Klein , A.W. Holleitner , J. J. Finley, T. O. Wehling, M. Kaniber, C. Gies

Nano letters (2018) 18(4), 2725¨C2732.

The electronic and optical properties of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and van…

research highlight
MAPEX Research Highlights|

A Monoaryllead Trichloride That Resists Reductive Elimination

M. Olaru, R. Kather, E.Hupf, E.Lork, S.Mebs, J. Beckmann

Journal: Angewandte Chemie (2018) 57, 5917-5920 .

Transmetallation of Pb(OAc)4 with R2Hg (1), followed by treatment with HCl in Et2O, provided RPbCl3 (2), the first kinetically stabilized…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

A quantum optical study of thresholdless lasing features in high-¦Â nitride nanobeam cavities

Stefan T. Jagsch, Noelia Vico Trivi?o, Frederik Lohof, Gordon Callsen, Stefan Kalinowski, Ian M. Rousseau, Roy Barzel, Jean-Fran?ois Carlin, Frank Jahnke, Rapha?l Butt¨¦, Christopher Gies, Axel Hoffmann, Nicolas Grandjean and Stephan Reitzenstein.

Nature Communications(2018) 9, article number: 564.

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Pulsating dissolution of crystalline matter

C. Fischer, A. Luttge

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (2018) 115, 5 Pages 897-902.

Fluid¨Csolid reactions result in material flux from or to the solid surface. The prediction of the flux, its variations, and…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Destabilizing turbulence in pipe flow

J. K¨¹hnen, B. Song, D. Scarselli, N. Burak Budanur, M. Riedl, A. P. Willis, M. Avila, B. Hof

Nature Physics (2018) 14, 386-390.

Turbulence is the major cause of friction losses in transport processes and it is responsible for a drastic drag increase in…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Long-term storage of droplets on a chip by Parylene AF4 coating of channels

Mahmuda Akhtar, Sander van den Driesche, Andr¨¦ B?decker and Michael J. Vellekoop.

Sensors and Actuators B (2018) 255, 3576¨C3584.

We present a PDMS-based microfluidic device that allows long-term on-chip droplets storage. The droplets are used as…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Fabrication and performance of Li4Ti5O12/C Li-ion battery electrodes using combined double flame spray pyrolysis and pressure-based lamination technique

Authors:M. Gockeln, S. Pokhrel, F. Meierhofer, J. Glenneberg, M. Schowalter, A. Rosenauer, U. Fritsching, M. Busse, L. M?dler, R. Kun

Journal of Power Sources (2018) 374, 97-106.

Reduction of lithium-ion battery (LIB) production costs is inevitable…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Exciton fission in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors

A. Steinhoff, M. Florian, M. R?sner, G. Sch?nhoff, T.O. Wehling and F. Jahnke.

Nature Communications (2017) 8, 1166.

When electron-hole pairs are excited in a semiconductor, it is a priori not clear if they form a plasma of unbound fermionic particles…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

MICROSCOPE Mission: First Results of a Space Test of the Equivalence Principle

Pierre Touboul, Gilles M¨¦tris, Manuel Rodrigues, Yves Andr¨¦, Quentin Baghi, Jo?l Berg¨¦, Damien Boulanger, Stefanie Bremer, Patrice Carle, Ratana Chhun, Bruno Christophe, Valerio Cipolla, Thibault Damour, Pascale Danto, Hansjoerg Dittus, Pierre Fayet, Bernard Foulon, Claude Gageant, Pierre-Yves…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Quantitative determination of residual silver distribution in nanoporous gold and its influence on structure and catalytic performance

Christoph Mahr, Paromita Kundu, Anastasia Lackmann, Daniele Zanaga, Karsten Thiel, Marco Schowalter, Martin Schwan, Sara Bals, Arne Wittstock and Andreas Rosenauer.

Journal of Catalysis (2017) 352, 52¨C58.

Large efforts have been made trying to understand…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Microbial-based metalworking fluids in milling operations

Daniel Meyer, Marvin Redetzky and Ekkard Brinksmeier.

CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology (2017) 66, 129¨C132.

Most commercial metalworking fluids (MWFs), as applied in cutting operations contain mineral-oil. Colonization of water-based MWFs…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

A comparative study of alcohol oxidation over nanoporous gold in gas and liquid phase

Anastasia Lackmann, Christoph Mahr, Marco Schowalter, Lisa Fitzek, J?rg Weissm¨¹ller, Andreas Rosenauer and Arne Wittstock.

Journal of Catalysis (2017) 353, 99¨C106.

The aerobic oxidation of methanol and ethanol in liquid phase is investigated using…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Structural and spectroscopic comparison between polycrystalline, nanocrystalline and quantum dot visible light photo-catalyst Bi2WO6

Michael Teck, M. Mangir Murshed, Marco Schowalter, Niels Lefeld, Henrike K. Grossmann, Tim Grieb, Thomas Hartmann, Lars Robben, Andreas Rosenauer, Lutz M?dler and Thorsten M. Gesing.

Journal of Solid State Chemistry (2017) 254, 82¨C89.

The structural…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

The cubic-to-hexagonal phase transition of cerium oxide particles: dynamics and structure

Jan H?cker, Jon-Olaf Krisponeit, Thomas Schmidt, Jens Falta and Jan Ingo Flege.

Nanoscale (2017) 9, 9352-9358

Cerium oxide is often applied in today's catalysts due to its remarkable oxygen storage capacity. The changes in stoichiometry during reaction are…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Insight into the Mechanism of Reversible Ring-Opening of 1,3?Benzoxazine with Thiols

Tobias Urbaniak, Marc Soto, Manuel Liebeke and Katharina Koschek.

Journal of Organic Chemistry (2017) 82, 4050?4055.

The reversible ring-opening addition and fragmentation reaction of p-cresol-based N-phenylbenzoxazine with aliphatic and aromatic thiols…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Simultaneous Acquisition of the Polarized and Depolarized Raman Signal with a Single Detector

Johannes Kiefer.

Analytical Chemistry (2017) 89 (11), 5725-5728

Polarization-resolved Raman spectroscopy provides much more information than its conventional counterpart. However, it usually either requires a complicated setup with two spectrographs…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Time resolved impedance spectroscopy analysis of lithium phosphorous oxynitride - LiPON layers under mechanical stress

Jens Glenneberg, Ingo Bardenhagen, Frederieke Langer, Matthias Busse and Robert Kun.

Journal of Power Sources (2017) 359, 157-165

In this paper we present investigations on the morphological and electrochemical changes of lithium phosphorous…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

An analytical multilayer source stress approach for the modelling of material modifications in machining

Carsten Heinzel, Jens S?lter, Maxim Gulpak and Oltmann Riemer.

CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology (2017) 66, 531¨C534.

In the research concept of Process Signatures machining induced changes of surface and sub-surface material properties are…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Tunable Bragg polaritons and nonlinear emission from a hybrid metal-unfolded ZnSe-based microcavity

SK. Shaid-Ur Rahman, Thorsten Klein, J¨¹rgen Gutowski, Sebastian Klembt and Kathrin Sebald.

Scientific Reports (2017) 7, Article number: 767

Strong light-matter interaction in Bragg structures possesses several advantages over conventional microcavity…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Colloidal capsules: nano- and microcapsules with colloidal particle shells

Tobias Bollhorst, Kurosch Rezwan and Michael Maas.

Chemical Society Reviews (2017) 46, 2091-2126

Utilizing colloidal particles for the assembly of the shell of nano- and microcapsules holds great promise for the tailor-made design of new functional materials.…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Growth and structure of ultrathin praseodymium oxide layers on ruthenium(0001)

Jan H?cker, Jon-Olaf Krisponeit, Julian Cambeis, Alexei Zakharov, Yuran Niu, Gang Wei, Lucio Colombi Ciacchi, Jens Falta, Andreas Schaefer and Jan Ingo Flege.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2017) 19, 3480-3485

The growth, morphology, structure, and…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Nanoparticles for radiooncology: Mission, vision, challenges

Leoni A. Kunz-Schughart, Anna Dubrovska, Claudia Peitzsch, Alexander Ewe, Achim Aigner, Samuel Schellenburg, Michael H. Muders, Silke Hampel, Giuseppe Cirillo, Francesca Iemma, Rainer Tietze, Christoph Alexiou, Holger Stephan, Kristof Zarschler, Orazio Vittorio, Maria Kavallaris, Wolfgang J. Parak,

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Safe-by-Design CuO Nanoparticles via Fe-Doping, Cu¨CO Bond Length Variation, and Biological Assessment in Cells and Zebrafish Embryos

Hendrik Naatz, Sijie Lin, Ruibin Li, Wen Jiang, Zhaoxia Ji, Chong Hyun Chang, Jan K?ser, Jorg Th?ming, Tian Xia, Andre E. Nel, Lutz M?dler and Suman Pokhrel.

ACS Nano (2017) 11, 501¨C515

The safe implementation of nanotechnology requires nanomaterial…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Observation of a hybrid state of Tamm plasmons and microcavity exciton polaritons

SK. Shaid-Ur Rahman, Thorsten Klein, Sebastian Klembt, J¨¹rgen Gutowski, Detlef Hommel and Kathrin Sebald.

Scientific Reports (2016) 6, Article number 34392

We present evidence for the existence of a hybrid state of Tamm plasmons and microcavity exciton…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Repetitive Dosing of Fumed Silica Leads to Profibrogenic Effects through Unique Structure?Activity Relationships and Biopersistence in the Lung

Bingbing Sun, Xiang Wang, Yu-Pei Liao, Zhaoxia Ji, Chong Hyun Chang, Suman Pokhrel, Justine Ku, Xiangsheng Liu, Meiying Wang, Darren R. Dunphy, Ruibin Li, Huan Meng, Lutz Ma?dler, C. Jeffrey Brinker, Andre? E. Nel, and Tian Xia.

ACS Nano (2016) 10, 8054-8066…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Self-Assembly and Shape Control of Hybrid Nanocarriers Based on Calcium Carbonate and Carbon Nanodots

Victor Lauth, Brigitta Loretz, Claus-Michael Lehr, Michael Maas, Kurosch Rezwan.

Chemistry of Materials (2016) 28, 3796-3803

We describe a platform for the synthesis of functional hybrid nanoparticles in the submicrometer range with…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Directed percolation phase transition to sustained turbulence in Couette flow

Gr¨¦goire Lemoult, Liang Shi, Kerstin Avila, Shreyas V. Jalikop, Marc Avila and Bj?rn Hof.

Nature Physics (2016) 12, 254-258

Turbulence is one of the most frequently encountered nonequilibriumphenomena in nature, yet characterizing thetransition that gives rise…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

A concept for direct deposition of thin film batteries on flexible polymer substrate

Jens Glenneberg, Felix Andre, Ingo Bardenhagen, Frederieke Langer, Julian Schwenzel, Robert Kun.

Journal of Power Sources (2016) 324, 722-728.

In this paper, the preparation and characteristics of all-solid-state thin film batteries (TFB) are…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Hydrogen atoms can be located accurately and precisely by x-ray crystallography

Magdalena Woinska, Simon Grabowsky, Paulina M. Dominiak, Krzysztof Wozniak, Dylan Jayatilaka.

Science Advances (2016) 2, e1600192

Precise and accurate structural information on hydrogen atoms is crucial to the study of energies of interactions important…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Novel Excitonic Solar Cells in Phosphorene-TiO2 Heterostructures with Extraordinary Charge Separation Efficiency

Liujiang Zhou, Jin Zhang, Zhiwen Zhuo, Liangzhi Kou, Wei Ma, Bin Shao, Aijun Du, Sheng Meng, and Thomas Frauenheim.

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2016) 7, 1880-1887

Constructing van der Waals heterostructures is an efficient…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Giant photon bunching, superradiant pulse emission and excitation trapping in quantum-dot nanolasers

Frank Jahnke, Christopher Gies, Marc Assmann, Manfred Bayer, H.A.M. Leymann, Alexander Foerster,  Jan Wiersig, Christian Schneider, MartinKamp, Sven Hoefling.

Nature Communications (2016) 7, 11540

Light is often characterized only by its classical…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Growth and characterization of epitaxially stabilized ceria(001) nanostructures on Ru(0001)

Jan Ingo Flege, Jan H?cker, Bj?rn Kaemena, T. Onur Mentes, Alessandro Sala, Andrea Locatelli, Subhashis Gangopadhyay, Jerzy T. Sadowski, Sanjaya D. Senanayake and Jens Falta.

Nanoscale (2016) 8, 10849-10856.


We have studied (001) surface terminated cerium oxide…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Decrease of the required dopant concentration for ¦Ä-Bi2O3 crystal stabilization through thermal quenching during single-step flame spray pyrolysis

Jochen A. H. Dreyer, Suman Pokhrel, Johannes Birkenstock, Miguel G. Hevia, Marco Schowalter, Andreas Rosenauer, Atsushi Urakawa, Wey Yang Teoh and Lutz M?dler.  

CrystEngComm(2016) 18, 2046-2056.


¦Ä-Bi2O3 is one of the best oxygen ion conductors known. However, due to its…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Controlling Heteroepitaxy by Oxygen Chemical Potential: Exclusive Growth of (100) Oriented Ceria Nanostructures on Cu(111)

Jan Ho?cker, Toma?s? Duchon?, Kater?ina Veltruska?, Vladim¨ªr Matol¨ªn, Jens Falta, Sanjaya D. Senanayake and J. Ingo Flege.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2016) 120, 4895?4901.


A novel and simple method is presented for the preparationof a well-defined CeO2(100)…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Hierarchical Porous Zeolite Structures for Pressure Swing Adsorption Applications

Benjamin Besser, Henrique Akira Tajiri, Gerd Mikolajczyk, Jens Moellmer, Thomas C. Schumacher, Stefan Odenbach, Roger Glaeser, Stephen Kroll and Kurosch Rezwan.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2016) 8, 3277-3286.


Porous adsorbents with hierarchical structured…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Two-Dimensional Heterojunctions from Nonlocal Manipulations of the Interactions

M. Ro?sner, C. Steinke, M. Lorke, C. Gies, F. Jahnke, and T. O. Wehling.

Nano Letters (2016) 16, 2322-2327

We propose to create lateral heterojunctions in twodimensionalmaterials based on nonlocal manipulations of the Coulombinteraction using…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Thermodynamically consistent continuum dislocation dynamics

Thomas Hochrainer.

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 88, 12-22.


Dislocation based modeling of plasticity is one of the central challenges at the crossover of materials science and continuum mechanics. Developing a continuum theory of dislocations…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Unraveling the Dynamic Nanoscale Reducibility (Ce4+ ¡ú Ce3+) of CeOx¨CRu in Hydrogen Activation

Jan H?cker, Tevfik Onur Mentes, Alessandro Sala, Andrea Locatelli, Thomas Schmidt, Jens Falta, Sanjaya D. Senanayake and Jan Ingo Flege.

Advanced Materials Interfaces (2015) 2, 1500314.


The interaction of molecular hydrogen with ceria is of important relevance for…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Tetrahedral Tetraphosphonic Acids. New Building Blocks in Supramolecular Chemistry

Alexandra Schu?trumpf, Erdog?an Kirpi, Aysun Bulut, Flavien L. Morel, Marco Ranocchiari, Enno Lork, Yunus Zorlu, Simon Grabowsky, Gu?ndog? Yu?cesan, and Jens Beckmann.

ACS Crystal Growth and Design (2015) 15, 4925-4931.


The structural characterization of…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Water adsorption in SAPO-34: elucidating the role of local heterogeneities and defects using dispersion-corrected DFT calculations

Michael Fischer.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2015) 17, 25260-25271.


The chabazite-type silicoaluminophosphate SAPO-34 is a promising adsorbent for applications in thermal energy storage using water adsorption¨Cdesorption cycles. In order to develop a microscopic…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Tuning emergent magnetism in a Hund's impurity

A. A. Khajetoorians, M. Valentyuk, M. Steinbrecher, T. Schlenk, A. Shick, J. Kolorenc, A. I. Lichtenstein, T. O. Wehling, R. Wiesendanger and J. Wiebe.

Nature Nanotechnology (2015) 10, 958¨C964.


The recently proposed concept of a Hund's metal¡ªa metal in which electron…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Nanoscale Origin of Mesoscale Roughening: Real-Time Tracking and Identification of Three Distinct Ruthenium Oxide Phases in Ruthenium Oxidation

Jan Ingo Flege, Benjamin Herd, Jan Goritzka, Herbert Over, Eugene E. Krasovskii and Jens Falta.

ACS Nano (2015) 9, 8468-8473.


The structural modification of the Ru(0001) surface is followed in real-time using low-energy electron microscopy at elevated temperatures…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Modulation of Silica Nanoparticle Uptake into Human Osteoblast Cells by Variation of the Ratio of Amino and Sulfonate Surface Groups: Effects of Serum

Shakiba Shahabi, Laura Treccani, Ralf Dringen and Kurosch Rezwan.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2015) 7, 13821¨C13833.


To study the importance of the surface charge for cellular uptake of silica nanoparticles (NPs), we synthesized five different single- or…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Proximity enhanced quantum spin Hall state in graphene

Liangzhi Kou, Feiming Hu, Binghai Yan,TimWehling, Claudia Felser, Thomas Frauenheim and Changfeng Chen.

Carbon (2015) 87, 418-423.


Graphene is the first model system of two-dimensional topological insulator (TI), also known as quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulator.…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Dinuclear Face-Sharing Bi-octahedral Tungsten(VI) Core and Unusual Thermal Behavior in Complex Th Tungstates

Bin Xiao,Thorsten M. Gesing, Lars Robben, Dirk Bosbach and Evgeny V. Alekseev.

Chemistry ¨C A European Journal (2015) 21, 7746-7754.


Two new thorium tungstates A6Th6(WO4)14O (A=K and Rb) were synthesized by high-temperature solid-state reactions. The structures of both…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Phonon-pump extreme-ultraviolet-photoemission probe in graphene: Anomalous heating of dirac carriers by lattice deformation

Isabella Gierz, Matteo Mitrano, Hubertus Bromberger, Cephise Cacho, Richard Chapman, Emma Springate, Stefan Link, Ulrich Starke, Burkhard Sachs, Martin Eckstein, Tim O. Wehling, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Alexander Lichtenstein and Andrea Cavalleri.

Physical Review Letters (2015) 114, 125503.


MAPEX Research Highlights|

Electron-Induced Hydration of an Alkene: Alternative Reaction Pathways

Jonas Warneke, Ziyan Wang, Petra Swiderek and Jan HendrikBredeh?ft.

Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2015) 54, 4397-4400.


Electron-induced reactions in condensed mixtures of ethylene and water lead to the synthesis of ethanol, as shown by post-irradiation…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Robust Two-Dimensional Topological Insulators in Methyl-Functionalized Bismuth, Antimony, and Lead Bilayer Films

Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, Liangzhi Kou, Thomas Frauenheim and Thomas Heine.

Nano Letters (2015) 15, 1083-1089.


One of the major obstacles to a wide application range of the quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect is the lack of suitable QSH insulators with a large bulk gap. By means of…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Electronic structures and optical properties of partially and fully fluorinated graphene

S. Yuan, M. Roesner, A. Schulz, T. O. Wehling and M. I. Katsnelson.

Physical Review Letters (2015) 114, 047403. 


In this Letter, we study the electronic structures and optical properties of partially and fully fluorinated graphene by a combination of ab initio…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Two-dimensional Cu2Si monolayer with planar hexacoordinate copper and silicon bonding

L. Yang, V. Bacic, I. A. Popov, A. I. Boldyrev, T. Heine, T. Frauenheim and E. Ganz.

Journal of the American Chemical Society (2015) 137, 2757-2762.


Two-dimensional (2D) materials with planar hypercoordinate motifs are extremely rare due to the difficulty in stabilizing the…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Bifunctional Submicron Colloidosomes Coassembled from Fluorescent and Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles

T. Bollhorst, S. Shahabi, K. W?rz, C. Petters, R. Dringen, M.Maas and K. Rezwan.

Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2015) 54, 118¨C123.


Colloidosomes are microcapsules consisting of nanoparticle shells. These microcarriers can be self-assembled from a wide range…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Atomic electric fields revealed by a quantum mechanical approach to electron picodiffraction

Knut M¨¹ller, Florian F. Krause, Armand B¨¦ch¨¦, Marco Schowalter, Vincent Galioit, Stefan L?ffler, Johan Verbeeck, Josef Zweck, Peter Schattschneider and Andreas Rosenauer.

Nature Communications (2014) 5, 5653.


By focusing electrons on probes with a diameter of 50?pm,…

Vergangene °ÄÃŻʹÚ_»Ê¹Ú×ãÇò±È·Ö-¾¢±¬ÌåÓý

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