Sustainability Marketing

Modul in englischer Sprache

Whether it is coping with ‘Peak Oil’, meeting the challenge of climate change, helping farmers in poorer countries through fair trade, or finding ways to keep discarded products out of the landfills, sustainability issues are the biggest challenges facing businesses.

The course shows how the complexities of sustainability issues can be integrated into marketing. The systematic, step-by-step approach of sustainability marketing involves: an analysis of socio-ecological priorities to complement conventional consumer and market research; an integration of ethical values into marketing strategy; the development of sustainability marketing strategies; a new consumer-oriented sustainability marketing mix of the ‘4 Cs’ (Customer Solutions, Communications, Customer Cost, Convenience) to replace the outmoded and producer-oriented ‘4 Ps’; and finally an analysis how innovation and marketing can go beyond responding to social change to contribute to a transformation to a more sustainable society.

The course is ideally suited to both students and practitioners at many different levels and disciplines, including marketing, innovation, CSR, sustainability and environmental management.


  • You have knowledge of integrating the complexity of sustainable issues into marketing and of social-ecological priorities to complement conventional consumer and market research.

  • You have the ability to integrate ethical values into marketing strategies and develop an understanding of the new consumer-oriented sustainability marketing mix.

  • You understand how innovation and marketing can go beyond responding to social change to contribute to a transformation towards a more sustainable society.

In Kürze

Integration of the complexities of sustainability issues into marketing



Semester: Winter-/Sommersemester

Umfang: 3 CP


  • Virtuelle Akademie Nachhaltigkeit, Universit?t Bremen
  • Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre, Universit?t Bremen


  • Das Modul richtet sich an Menschen, die an den verschiedenen Handlungsfeldern von Nachhaltigkeit interessiert sind.


  • schulische oder nicht-schulische Hochschulzugangsberechtigung 

  • mindestens 1 Jahr Berufspraxis


im Winter- und Sommersemester


->> Zum Modul und zu den Videos

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Dauer: 1 Semester

Videomaterial:  ca. 16 Std.
Selbststudium: ca. 74 Std.

(entspricht 3 CP)

Prüfungen & Abschluss


  • e-Klausur

Die e-Klausur muss vor Ort im Testcenter der Universit?t Bremen abgelegt werden!


  • Modulzertifikat


135 Euro (inkl. Zertifikatsausstellung)

Mitglieder des Alumni-Vereins der Universit?t Bremen erhalten 5 % Rabatt.


Eine Bewerbung ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt leider nicht m?glich.

N?chster Bewerbungszeitraum:
1. August - 15. September

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